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Your belly in my arms, The Felice Brothers

<i>Your belly in my arms</i>, The Felice Brothers

Las resacas son un castigo verdaderamente injusto y desproporcionado. No merecemos pagar tanto por tomar gin tonic, vino, cerveza y cava. Pero hay días que empiezan fatal y acaban no tan mal. Si le quito la parte negativa, salir a las doce y pico después de trabajar lo mismo, no está tan mal la jornada. No me he cruzado con ningún control de alcoholemia, he aparcado a la primera vuelta al lado de mi casa, pongo un buen disco suavecito y me voy a cenar.

 Ahora me viene a la cabeza. Tiré la última en el baño, sin que nadie me viera. Cometí ese pecado capital de la noche, pero quién no lo ha hecho alguna vez. Y acabo de alcanzar un orgasmo: tu cintura en mis brazos.

We’d watch the shapes the rain would make falling down the window of our bus

I said they reminded me of paper ponies blowing free

You said they reminded you of us

Your belly in my arms. Tomorrow we’ll be through these rains and gone

Woke up with the driver crying

Looked through the glass and found the morning sky

I said that cloud’s shaped like a burning man, you didn’t have the heart to tell me why

Your belly in my arms. Tomorrow we’ll be through these clouds and gone

I put my hand inside your skirt and asked if you thought that our baby’s life would turn out this way

You said you wasn’t sure

But really you was too good to say it

Your belly in my arms. Tomorrow we’ll be through these rains and gone

Your belly in my arms. Tomorrow we’ll be through these gates and gone

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